As my mom and I sat in a doctor's office- waiting for her biopsy of breast tissue which turned out to be cancer- she looked at me and said "Honey, I want to take you to France." My mind was more on cancer- but I uttered "I'd love to!" So after her surgery and treatment, off we went, like two teens on a trip after high school graduation.
We traveled on a small cruise boat that floated down a river through France- stopping at gorgeous villages from the 1300's, stunning churches, and landscape that looked like jewels had dazzled the ground instead of grass. But one day ended up being our favorite, and it completely took both of us by surprise.
Everyone disembarked the boat with the hope of climbing to the top of a large hill which housed the remains of an old castle. The climb was a bit difficult though- and although I am a thrill seeker extraordinaire- mom had some trouble with her back, and climbing seemed out of the question. We decided that we would meander around the quiet village that nestled against the hill with the remains of the castle.
As we wandered up and down the streets you could feel the calm pace of the villager's lives. Another man from our boat who suffered from a weak heart joined mom and I as we walked the cobbled stones past a bakery, church, and cafe. Each home that bordered the cobbled sidewalk seemed blocked off from the public eye. There were gates with thick ivy growing- it seemed to keep the people out and beauty in.
I had my face plastered against a fence, trying to see one house in particular- when a kind elderly French man passed me with a gentle greeting. I don't know a single word in French past croissant- so his greeting was especially warm. He literally grabbed my arm and asked if our small band of wanderers wanted to see his home, sequestered behind the ivy. We nodded yes, and off we went. The picture you see at the top of this blog is his home. Not only did he let us enjoy the beauty of the outside of his home- but he invited us in!
There we were, in this man's lovely home, not able to speak one word to each other, but completely understanding each other's language. He motioned us to his backyard where we viewed flowers, bushes, and trees literally bursting with color. Lilacs lined every inch of the fencing that protected this intense treasure. It was the essence of simplicity and beauty.
As we left his home we repeatedly embraced him- thanking him for inviting us into his privacy and retreat- but more importantly, into his beauty.
We stood on the sidewalk breathless and giddy. A man with a weak heart, a woman with a bad back, and a woman with a desire to press her face against people's fences to get a glimpse into their lives. We all three said that without a doubt, this was our favorite day.
The people that climbed the mountain had fun too- but I knew that we had experienced something of the authentic presence of God that day.
An invitation to see His beauty in a way that supersedes language. An invitation to simply enjoy His beauty- without fanfare or drama.
I am reminded of the words of David in one of the Psalms...
"One thing I have asked from the Lord,
That I shall seek;
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord." (Psalm 27)
May we not miss His beauty when He gives us a chance to peek in.
Rich blessings!