I took this picture a few weeks ago when I was visiting my daughter Brooke in San Francisco. She wasn't exactly thrilled when I begged her to put this "Crab Hat" on her head for a picture--but being the good sport that she is- she slapped it on her head and smiled.
Surrounded by marine life as we walked along the pier, I was intrigued by the notion of crabs. As a beach lover that has lived most of her life in a land-locked state- even the ugly sea animals make me cheer with delight...even crabs. They aren't exactly lovable, with their pincher claws and crusty outer shell, but oh do they have a tender meat on the inside!
This reminds me of myself on my crabby days. Pinching those that get in the way of my plans or expectations. Crusty to God's whisper of a new idea or person that needs to be loved. Sometimes I'm crabby and I can't even explain why!
The author of most of the Psalms in the bible was a wealthy king named David. That's not new news to most of us, but did you know that he struggled with being crabby? His moods often got the best of him, putting him in the crustacean's family, just like the rest of us. Listen to what he moans to God:
"Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why have you become disturbed within me?
The help of my moods, and my God."
Psalm 42: 11
I love the authenticity of David. His crabbiness is prodding him to do something gutsy and brave. It's prodding him to hope in God. He realizes that his moods, his crustiness, his outlook...are all wrapped up in the One he loves. Disturbed and despairing- he hopes- instead of burying himself in the sand like most crabs do when they are threatened or want to escape.
Although I still cheer when I see crabs, I don't want to live my life like one. The tender crab meat inside is what I hope to reflect. And I hope it doesn't take a hammer and a giant bib to pull it out of me!