As Bobby and I rode home from an Astros game, chatting fervently about pitching, fielding percentage, and our need for some home-run production, he quietly mumbled under his breath "Oh, I'm meeting President Bush and Barbara for lunch tomorrow."
"You're what?" I shouted, forgetting it was just he and I in the car and there was no need for extra volume. Granted, the Bush's are regulars at games in Houston during April and May before they leave for their summer destination. And granted, last spring training the manager's wife and I got to sit at a game with Barbara and chat about hairstyles, baseball, and random ridiculous topics. But this was lunch with the former President and First Lady. It's a big deal any way you slice it- and I couldn't wait to hear how it went.
Bobby came home armed with a personally signed hardcover book of the President's memoir, and a two deck box of cards with the Presidential Seal on them. Gin Rummy will never be the same.
Reflecting on this unique opportunity he was given I was struck by the unlikely way God threads impossible meetings and opportunities into our lives in ways we could never orchestrate ourselves. There's a verse in one of the Psalms that says "He makes my feet like hinds' feet, and sets me upon my high places."
A deer's feet are specially designed to travel to summits and peaks that most animals can't make it to. Their sense of grace, balance, and stamina to climb the high places is a gift they both enjoy and struggle with. It's enjoyed on days when they leap the high places with no threat of pending storms or a hunter's bow. It's a struggle when the snow is coming sideways and their footing seems fragile and weak compared to the size of the mountain.
It's in these times that I realize that our feet are created for the journey's God intends. He leads us all to high places where we stand- amazed at the circumstances that brought us there.
A friendship that leads to a special opportunity years later...
A boss that opens a door to a better job after being laid off...
An acquaintance that leads to a soul mate...
A heart-ache that lead to restoration and growth...
Such is the way of the hinds' feet on the high places. And although your high places may not include lunch with a former President- they're still showing off a breathtaking view.