Being married to a professional athlete and coach for almost three decades I've come to realize the distinct difference between winning and losing often doesn't show up on a scoreboard or in a box score. It shows in the bravery of the person participating.
We are in love with our current team even though we seem to loose more than we win. Recently I had to miss one of our home games to teach a class. As the game proceeded one of the wives on our team texted me a message that broke my heart. She said that there were several men behind her that were destroying her husband verbally. Muttering to themselves and everyone within their seat's vicinity that he should be fired. Although this is typical jargon at ballgames, it cuts deep when it's your husband or son that they're booing. I shot her back a text that simply said "Five smooth stones...we will see God's glory." Later that night she relayed that message to her husband. He instantly stopped and asked with full gaze "What do you think she meant by 5 smooth stones?"
Honestly, when I texted that message I didn't have any deep insight to share, I was just thinking about how David, when faced with a cocky giant breathing insults at God's army, bent down and picked up 5 smooth stones to use in his Shepard-made slingshot. He had no sophisticated weapons, no physical advantage (the giant Goliath was about 9 feet tall!)and no authentic support as everyone around him thought it was hopeless and he was a bit crazy!
I often wonder what it might have sounded like if after he picked up each smooth stone, he named them before putting them into his small pouch. Their names may have been courage, clarity, fortitude, trust, and tenacity.
Courage: The ability to face things that make you afraid
Clarity: A laser-like focus that cuts through unnecessary rubble and leaves you with direction and peace
Fortitude: A determination to push through pain or confusion until results are seen
Trust: A reliance on the God bigger than the giants we face
Tenacity: The absolute certainty that what we hope for will transpire
Last week I filled several small, clear bags with 5 smooth stones and asked Bobby to give them to a few men on our team. Sometimes we just need to get a gutsy,new perspective. Like a small Shepard facing a giant, we face the giants in our lives. And although you may not face them with people screaming at you from the seats of a stadium, the screams still resound in the messy confines of our minds. Five smooth stones can be the game changer...