The other day I left my house at the speed of light. With so many things on my mind and so little time to accomplish them, my driveway speed was topping 20 miles per hour. Suddenly something on my porch caught my eye. I slammed on the brakes, squinting to get a better look. There on on my wicker table sat a beautiful vase of freshly cut orange roses. Smiling on the inside... I realized where they had come from. My next door neighbor Jessica has stunning orange roses lining the sidewalk that leads to her door.
I was so touched by this gesture that I had to get my camera. Usually I think about doing nice things for people, but because I speed through life in high gear, it often remains a thought instead of an action.
This got me thinking. God does nice things for us every day, and it's time we stopped to take a picture and thank Him. Today I decided to thank Him for all the nice things He did in one insignificant day. I better mention that today is a day that I didn't even wash my face. I had a writing deadline to meet, so I threw on sweat pants, hair in a pony tail, and off I went to sit in front of my lap top. As I worked steadily I committed my mind to being thankful. So here's my list:
1. Chirping birds that land on the railing outside my window while I work
2. Fresh brewed iced tea with lots of lemon
3. The sound of my kids' voices as they call throughout the morning
4. The torn, yellowed pages of my bible that always bring new life to each day
5. Oatmeal with fresh blueberries that burst in the microwave
6. A car that works
7. A warm bed to look forward to at night
8. Praying for people as I think of them
9. Breathing (with the help of my inhaler as I've been struggling with asthma)
10. Singing praise to God at the top of my lungs
11. People like Jessica that leave reminders of the goodness of God
So it is with renewed resolve that I thank God for little things. The unnoticed things I like, but forget to say thank you for.
"Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow." James 1: 17
By the way...this neighbor of mine (Jessica) will be joining me as a guest blogger. Weekly you'll hear from one of us, or both of us! I think you'll enjoy her delightful stories and candid insight. We hope to leave you with a vase of bright roses each week with our writing. Maybe an unexpected surprise to lighten your day...