Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Voices We Hear in our Heads

Have you ever stopped to think about what you hear in your head? The endless banter and chatter almost becomes natural to us- except for the fact that there is nothing natural about beating yourself up daily. Author Tim Hansel states that the average person speaks about 120 words a minute, but psychologist tell us that when we self-talk, that is carry on conversations in our heads, we speak at a rate of about 1,300 words a minute...70% of those words being negative! So where do these voices come from?
Most of what drives disordered eating plays out in the head before we ever grab a spoon or fork. Lies and accusations rant in our minds. "You will always fail." "You'll never change."
"There is no such thing as freedom. This is as good as it gets." On and on, like a bad tape stuck in a recorder- the messages play in our minds. Most voices we hear come from one of three sources:
  • Our parents (spoken and unspoken)
  • Our culture (media, peers, teachers)
  • Satan (called the "Accuser" (Revelation 12:10) and "Father of Lies" (John 8) by Jesus

It's Satan's voices that really toy with our minds as we attempt to separate truth from lies. Charles Stanley, in his book When the Enemy Strikes points out that Satan has a few main purposes:

  • To draw you away from God
  • To thwart God's purpose for your life
  • To deny the glory of God in your life

Food has been a brilliant tool in his hand to draw us away from God. The lies and accusations we feel heap condemnation and despair on us rather than hope and freedom. Speak back to the lies! Don't believe them them out! There is truth and inspiration waiting in God's whispers of belief in you...

(For more on this topic check out chapter 6 in my book Truly Fed: Finding Freedom from Disordered Eating )

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