This picture was taken of Brooke (our oldest), myself, my husband Bobby, our grand baby Reese, and our son Colton (our other daughter Ally was out of town and we graciously got to kidnap her baby for a few days!). In the middle of our picture is the team mascot for the Houston Astros. I have absolutely no idea why a rabbit is connected to the Astros...but it is. So there in the middle of our picture is a giant rabbit. We know that inside that costume someone is moving and breathing. Shaking hands and acting like a friendly, buck-teeth bunny. What we don't know is what that man under the costume really looks like. What is he thinking? Is he irritated with the costume, and uncomfortable moving around in it? Does he wish these annoying people would go away so he could take off his costume and drink a Diet Coke?
I remember living so many years of my life like this costumed bunny. Presenting a picture to the outside world that look friendly, sweet and inviting- when really I felt closed off, isolated, and bland. Food became a tricky substitute for the real engagement of relationships and Christ's love. In the book of Ephesians Paul talks about laying aside the old self. He says " reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind."
What a joy it is to know that we don't have to live with fake rabbit heads covering us. We can choose to lay aside the old self- and shed our costumes. Paul goes on to say "...put on the new self, which in the likeness of God, has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." I'll take that over buck teeth and fur any day.
This makes me smile as it connects with things God has been teaching me... I guess that's just how God likes to work. :)
ReplyDeleteLove you, my beautiful friend!
Bekah <><