Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heart Readers

Written by: Jessica Russo

Co-blogger for Truly Fed Ministries
A few weeks ago I attended a fabulous wedding in New Orleans. Lively music, fantastic food, and family were all in one place for this exciting event. There were two little girls there, one a 9 year old cousin of mine, and the other a 7 year old from Norway. The little 7 year old did not speak any English. Together the two girls played games, built jump ropes out of strands of beads, and played tricks on other wedding guests. For several hours they played, laughed, and communicated without speaking.

Watching these children made me think back to Genesis 11 when God separated language. It is written that he separated language in order to place necessary limitations on the people after seeing the enormous tower they were building up to the heavens (Tower of Babel).

Although the separation of language did in fact place limitations on the spoken communication; I wonder if God was also encouraging a deeper communication that surpasses words. Perhaps a communication similar to that which we have with him. When praying I often just sit in silence and go through so many thoughts in my head, communicating my heart without speaking.

Psalm 139:4
Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if people spoke less with words and more with their actions and their hearts?

All too often I confuse my words and they don’t always accurately reflect what my heart is trying to communicate. Have you ever said something to a friend and they just sit quietly and stare at you, so you follow up with: “Well you know what I mean.” The people in my life that know what I mean even when I speak it wrong I call my “heart readers.”

After studying the communication between the little girls and pondering it for a while, I have challenged myself with three things:

1. Surround myself with my heart readers
2. Take responsibility in showing others my heart so they too can look beyond the words and see my truth.
3. Not to hold others accountable to just the words they speak but to look deeper. I too must become a heart reader.

We can look beyond what our mother, father, children, sibling, spouse, and friends say to us (even when it’s difficult) to find the underlying message, feeling, or issue the words derived from. God separated language because, quite frankly, words get us into trouble but always know the heart never lies. If you are walking with the Lord your heart will never steer you wrong because he is at the wheel.

My prayer for myself and all of you this week is that we communicate our inner truths with open hearts in all we say and do.



  1. Thank you for sharing this story of two little girls who have not yet been "influenced" by how the world of grown ups communicate. We can learn so much from children. It sounds like these girls wanted to communicate and found a way to do so in an honest and open way. They also did not hold prejudice against the other for speaking a different language. How often we are quick to judge another person by race, age, language, or culture. I agree that God wants the same from us - honest and open communication in a back and forth manner. How easy it is for me to talk to Him without an opportunity for Him to communicate back to me. I am sure I am missing a huge blessing from not listening to my heavenly Father.

    It is scary to communicate with other people in such an honest way after being on this earth for a time. It can feel unsafe. But with those we love and trust, is there any other way? Heart to heart is a great goal to reach for. Thank you for sharing this simple interaction between girls and connecting it to the way we grown ups communicate.

  2. After the wedding these two little girls spent an additional week together, they played and laughed from the moment they woke up until bedtime. When it was time to say goodbye knowing it may be a long time before they would see each other again, they without a sound hugged and waved goodbye. I too want to be a heart reader. Listening earns our right to speak to others. I thank God that he speaks to our heart...and you reminded me to keep my heart always open to receive from Him.


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