Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reach, Receive, and React

Living on a farm in Texas was the slow and sweet kind of upbringing where buttermilk was a staple ingredient, you meet up at the church house 3 times a week, and the men all smell of cut grass and farm animals. It was a peaceful place. The land stretched out for miles and there were no neighbors in sight. It was a simple but beautiful childhood and I could not WAIT to get out of there. I had big dreams that required the opportunities and amenities of the big city. At college I found a nice city boy to lift my veil and I was on my way. Ten years went by and I found myself wrangling two misfit boys and wondering what the next plans were for my life. I started a spiritual journey that I am excited to share and continue with you all.

I reached out to the Lord in prayer to ask for direction and clarity. There was never a time in my life that I didn’t know God. Spiritual teaching and bible doctrine had been poured over me from the time I was born. There was no drama that led me to the Lord. No personal testimony there for me to share with others. So what was my spiritual path? What could I use to bring others to the Kingdom of God?

Isaian 30:19 People of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.

No matter where you are in your life reach out to God in prayer. He has promised to answer when we seek direction or clarity.

But what happens if we miss the answer?

When we pray the same prayer without ceasing we must open our minds and hearts and prepare to receive the answers. In my case, a sweet Christian Woman by the name of Gari Meacham asked if I would like to co-write this blog with her. I was so excited to have the opportunity to share my spiritual journey with you all and hopefully share in your journeys as well.

My Grandmother used to tell me the story of a man who was falling from a building and prayed “Lord please save me.” His coat caught on a nail and stopped his fall and he said “Never mind Lord this nail caught me”.

Seize the opportunities that cross our paths and always be vigilant to what message the Lord is trying to send us.

Isaian 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Once we recognize and receive the answers or direction from God we must then react.
No matter where you are in your life, how many people you know or don’t know, or how functional or dysfunctional your life has been we all have lessons to teach and hands to reach out to others. If you know the next step in your spiritual journey share it with others. You might just be the inspiration or motivation they need in that moment. If you are still looking for your direction and clarity it starts in prayer. Reach out to the Lord, he has promised to answer.

This blog is my first step to react to the answers and direction I have received. I am so excited about this journey and even more excited that you all are a part of it.


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